Application Guide Without Service Fee Guide you how to apply for studying in Liaoning Normal University & Study in lnnu

Enrollment Qualifications


Programs Enrollment Qualifications
Language Student Long term 1. Healthy
Short term 2. Obedient to Chinese laws
Undergraduate Chinese language 1. Healthy and obedient to Chinese laws
2. High school diploma
3. High school academic transcript
Other fields 1. High school diploma
2. High school academic transcript
3. New HSK level 5 with a score of 180 or above
Graduate Master (2-3 years) 1. Bachelors degree or equivalence
2. Undergraduates academic transcript
3. Two recommendation letters from professors
4. New HSK level 5 with score 195 or above
5. Additional course related test (writing and oral test)
PhD (3 years) 1. Masters degree or equivalence
2. Masters academic transcript
3. Two recommendation letters from professors
4. New HSK level 6 with score 180 or above
5. Additional course related test (writing and oral test)

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